
Welcome to Japura Alumni Australia

Japura family warmly welcomes you to our new look website. We invite all past students and employees who live and work in Australia to consider becoming a member of our association. By joining Japura family, you will enjoy the company of like minded graduates from the university, share those fun filled memories that shaped our lives we enjoy today, and more importantly be part of a group who is out there to make a real difference in our society. We are grateful to our adopted home country we live in today, and also recognize the need to fulfil our obligations to the home country where we were educated and brought up to become decent human beings.

Our Mission

Striving to foster sustained ,professional and intimate relationships, among the Alumni of University Sri Jayewardenepura living in Australia to produce meaningful programmes and activities.

Our Vision

To be a vibrant and productive network of the Japura Alumni Australia.

Alumni News